Portland Tango Website Update

Portlandtango website update

New look and new information

Welcome to the updated portlandtango.com website!

We are all hoping that it is finally come the time to go back dancing after almost two years of separation.

In these two years the Portland Tango Association (PTA) has worked hard in refurbishing the portlandtango website with a more modern look. Most of the preexisting information has been kept but reorganized in a slightly different manner.

There are a new google calendars where events can be listed and  Google groups to substitute the defunct Yahoo groups.

Now we just need you to let us know what you think and how we can improve it. Send us your thoughts here.

Concerning the teachers and organizer we need help from them to update the events happening in town once they start going.

Some teachers already have a dedicated page created from preexisting information. We might have missed others, apologies if that happened.

As an organizer or teacher, to update or create a new presence on this site or have access to the new google calendar please fill in the forms below.

If you are a local teacher and would like to add your information to this site:

Fill in the following form.

If you are a local organizer and you would like to:

  • Promote your event on this site
  • Have access to the Portland Tango Community Calendar to schedule events

Fill in the following form.