Elizabeth Wartluft

Elizabeth holds a M.A. in dance and a M.A. in cultural anthropology, both from the University of Oregon. She has taught tango since 1996, in Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, Washington and California. She moved to Portland in 2008.


Elizabeth can be reached at ewartluf@gmail.com or 541-914-4812.

Also check out her blog at Elizabeth’s Blog

Elizabeth teaches tango with an emphasis on breath, energy and posture to create connection in the dance. She brings her experience studying many forms of dance, as well as her training in yoga and human anatomy, to her teaching.

Her main teachers in Buenos Aires have been: Luciana Valle and Chicho Frumboli for leader technique; Omar Vega for milonga;

 Tete for vals, and Oscar Mandagaran for breath, posture and energy work; her dancing was also strongly influenced by the dancers of the Dinzel school. She enjoys and teaches both close and open embrace styles, as well as dancing both as a leader and a follower.